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EPAIES is a collaborative group of experienced researchers and educators.

We believe the best education requires experienced professors who are involved in cutting-edge research.


We believe research should be impactful. Our team regularly contributes to leading media outlets, including the BBC, The Economist, The New York Times, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, South China Morning Post, Rolling Stone, Bloomberg, and more.


Our team has published hundreds of peer-reviewed journal articles in leading academic venues (Science, Harvard Law & Policy Review, Nature, Philosophical Studies, Noûs, MIS Quarterly, Virginia Law Review Online, IEEE Computer) and more than a dozen books with leading presses.

Meet our faculty

Boris Babic

PhD, MS (Michigan, Philosophy, Statistics); JD (Harvard)

Associate Professor of Philosophy (HKU), HKU 100 Associate Professor of Data Science

Areas of Expertise: 

Explainable AI, Ethics, Technology Law, AI Policy, Statistics, Epistemology

Herman Cappelen

PhD (Berkeley, Philosophy)

Chair Professor of Philosophy (HKU); Director, AI & Humanity Lab; Steering Committee, Musketeers Foundation Institute for Data Science

Areas of Expertise: 

Explainable AI, Conceptual engineering, AI Intelligibility

Michael C.L. Chau

PhD (Arizona, Management Information Systems)

Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics (HKU Business School), Director, Artificial Intelligence Research Group (HKU)

Areas of Expertise: 

Fintech, Business Intelligence, Web mining, Smart health, Human-computer interaction, Security informatics

Nathaniel Sharadin

PhD (North Carolina, Philosophy); MA (Milwaukee, Philosophy)

Assistant Professor of Philosophy (HKU), Research Affiliate (Center for AI Safety, San Francisco)

Areas of Expertise: 

Ethics, Governance, Model Evaluation, AI Policy, AI Co-creation, Epistemology

Rachel Sterken

PhD (St. Andrews/Oslo, Philosophy)

Associate Professor of Philosophy (HKU), Chair of Philosophy (HKU), Associate Dean of Postgraduate, Faculty of Arts (HKU)

Areas of Expertise: 

Ethics, AI Co-creation, Online speech, Misinformation, Conceptual engineering

Haochen Sun

LLM (Harvard, Law); SJD (Duke, Law); LLM (National University of Singapore, Law)

Professor of Law (HKU); Director, Law and Technology Center (HKU); Director, LLM Program in Technology and Intellectual Property Law (HKU)

Areas of Expertise: 

Governance, AI Policy, Technology Law, Chinese Law, Intellectual property

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