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Our programmes focus on the impact of transformative AI

Our executive and professional education programmes provide leaders and professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the ethical, social, and technical considerations surrounding the deployment of artificial intelligence.


Participants explore best practices for AI governance, risk mitigation, and the design of trustworthy and accountable AI systems.


Through interactive case studies and expert-led discussions, we enable professionals to harness the power of AI responsibly and to drive positive transformation within their organizations.

Now Enrolling

Responsible AI in Business

Course Dates: 

November 28-30, 2024

Enrollment Deadline: September 30, 2024

Programme Description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming businesses across industries, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage. However, the responsible development and deployment of AI systems are critical to mitigating risks, building trust with stakeholders, and ensuring long-term sustainability. This course equips business professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to embed ethical and responsible practices into their AI strategies and operations.

Upcoming Programmes

As artificial intelligence (AI) systems become increasingly integrated into various aspects of our lives, it is crucial to ensure that these technologies are designed and deployed in a way that prioritizes human values, needs, and well-being. This course explores the principles, practices, and techniques of human-centered AI, which aims to create AI systems that are trustworthy, understandable, and beneficial to human users.

Human-Centered AI

Upcoming dates in

Spring 2025

Key topics: 

Principles of Human-Centered AI, Understanding Human Behavior and Cognition, Interaction and User Experience Design, Explainable AI and Interpretability, Privacy and Security Implications, Human-in-the-Loop AI Systems

This 5-day program provides executives a comprehensive introduction to the responsible and ethical use of AI in business. Participants will explore the impacts of AI on society, learn the technical fundamentals of AI systems, and study ethical frameworks and governance approaches. The curriculum covers integrating ethical AI principles into professional practice across business functions. Participants will also examine the broader social implications of AI. This offering equips executives with the knowledge and tools to apply AI responsibly and with purpose.

Foundations of Responsible AI

Upcoming dates in

Summer 2025

Key topics: 

Introduction to responsible AI, ethical frameworks and principles for AI, AI governance and risk management, AI transparency, bias mitigation, AI and privacy, responsible AI in practice, the future of responsible AI

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing, there is a growing need to understand how humans and AI can collaborate effectively to unlock new possibilities and amplify human creativity and innovation. This course explores the emerging field of human-AI co-creation, where humans and AI systems work together symbiotically to generate novel ideas, solutions, and creative outputs.

Co-Creation with AI

Upcoming dates in

Summer 2025

Key topics: 

AI and Human Collaboration Models, Ethical Considerations in AI Co-creation, Data Management and Privacy Issues, AI-Assisted Ideation and Brainstorming, AI-Powered Content Generation and Curation, Augmented Design and Prototyping

Register Interest

Programme application is opening soon. Register to receive programme updates, brochure, and application instructions.

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